cardossier the game

The card game that immerses you in the world of cardossier and data exchange

A playful tool for facilitating discovery workshops


Highlights the mechanisms and advantages of distributed ledger within a business ecosystem

Enables the participants to transfer insights into their own business world


36 cards

Order cards

12 toy cars

4 coins

1 game board

Print A3   Print A4

→ The set contains 4 series of 8 data cards & 4 lemon cards. As an alternative, a set of 36 cards with French suites can be used: the Aces then take over the role of the lemons.

How to play


Welcome Talking Point

  1. General overview on blockchain technology
  2. Introductory video about Business Ecosystems and Secure Blockchain for Business
  3. Presentation of cardossier


  1. Explanation of the rules (without using cardossier)
  2. Play one round without using cardossier (without exchanging data cards)
  3. Explanation of the rules (using cardossier)
  4. Play one or more round(s) using cardossier (exchanging data cards)

Reflect & Learn

  1. Compare the two different rounds
  2. Discussion about the advantages of distributed ledger regarding:
    • • Single point of truth
    • • Transparency
    • • Data-Exchange 
    • • Cross-company processes


How could I use distributed ledger for my own business?

  1. Who could be part of my business ecosystem (Clients, Partners, Suppliers, …)
  2. With which participants do I have the most data exchange? Where are the most data quality challenges?
  3. Which cross-company processes could I automate? 
  4. Am I already part of a business ecosystem, which could benefit from the advantages of a distributed ledger?

Get in touch

    I want to order a set of cardossier cards
    * Please enter your postal address to ship the card set and invoice (35 CHF/card set).